Hello, I'm Nicolas Santos

An iOS Developer who loves to get new abilities and have new experiences.

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About Me

A man who formed as a computer engineer, who loves that free feeling of riding motorcycles, and is always excited to learn new things.

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App to help businesses to manage productivity and communication.


Moovin make we dance in a simple and fun way.

My Resume


January 2014 - Dec 2019

Bachelor in Computer Engineering

Higher Education Institute - FUCAPI


February 2020 - Present

Senior iOS Engineer

I worked with VoIP solutions using full-duplex and half-duplex communication. Developing features using Swift UIKit Framework and View Code with Pure Layout, REST service, Persistence, Push Notification, and interoperability with Objective-C. Developing Swift SDK modules using Swift Package Manager and XCFramework, both released inside Artifactory private client instance. Support as DevOps for the team, performing maintenance on the CI and CD Jenkins setup and build scripts. Working as a team with agile methodology using Scrum, Versioning control with Git, and Gerrit as a code review site.

Eldorado Research Institute
May 2018 - December 2019

iOS, watchOS and tvOS Developer

The Apple Developer is a learning program based on the Challenge Based Learning methodology, in which students develop projects collaboratively, with deepening, research, and sharing of experiences. The program consists of lectures and extensive hands-on work, including team-based projects, resulting in complete applications for publishing in the Apple Store.

Apple Developer Academy
July 2018 - January 2019


Worked providing technical assistance and support for incoming queries and issues related to computer systems, software, and hardware. Maintain daily performance of computer systems.

INPA - National Institute of Amazon Researches

Want to get in touch with me?

My Contact Details

  • Email nicolas.a.santos09@gmail.com
  • Phone +55 92 98100-5179
  • Address Manaus-AM, BR